Registration Application Fee HK$ 300 Personality Test HK$ 400 / 600 Single / Couple Lunch HK$ 45 per meal
For Registered-students Administration Fee HK$ 300/year Fee for 3-credit course HK$ 5,010* Audit fee for 3-credit course HK$ 1,800* Late Registration Fee HK$ 200 Fee for practicum HK$ 1,670/credit* Credit Transfer Fee HK$ 300# [minimum] Add / Drop Fee HK$ 100/transaction Thesis Fee HK$ 5,010/ 3 credits Thesis Binding Fee HK$ 400/copy [minimum 2 copies] Thesis Extension Fee HK$ 2,000/year [at most 2 years] Request for Official Transcripts/student record HK$ 300/set
Graduation Graduation Fee HK$ 1,000 Graduation Extension Fee HK$ 1,000/year [at most 2 years] Refundable Deposit for Graduation Robe, Hood & Cap HK$ 500
Others Library Card Replacement Fee HK$ 200/card
# The credit transfer fee for the first six credits is HK$300; an additional HK$100 is required for the transfer of each additional credit. The above list of fees is for reference only and is subject to ETS’s final decision.